PAGES | 272 |
SERIES | Argumentos |
PUBLICATION | 31/10/2012 |

Get Excited Like That. Anatomy of Happiness (with Hidden Publicity)
Emociónese así.
There’s business and there’s being human. The ascetic and the groupie. Moral doctrine and adverts. The perverse and the consensus. These unusual pairs, and a few more, are the main protagonists of Emociónese así:an illuminating guideto subjectivity within a society based upon consumption, which while being clear and dynamic is also kaleidoscopic and musical.
Combining with ease the sociology of emotions, aesthetics, and the most incisive cultural criticism, this seriously happy book explores, with a clinical eye and coloured glasses, the fabrication of sentiment within capitalism. The euphoria of the lottery, the hatred of the State towards the citizen, sub cultural utopias, the vertiginous bet, the epiphany of the market and the moment one discovers, heaven forbid, that one is automated or an android. It contains the complete repertoire of sensory codes, the souls of machines and the digital spirit, creating the sophisticated product which we call the Inner Life®.
Using an original structure which alternates between illuminating definitions and pieces of the best advertising literature, Emociónese así shatters the distinctions that are fundamental to our understanding of the social space. It was a song before it was a book and converts theory into gag. Objects are brought to life and take control of their owners. Publicists become philosophers and thinkers become illustrators. Art, cartoons, and cinema populate these pages, offering a clear introduction to visual contemporary culture. Everyday anecdotes and sensational news stories reveal themselves to be the best evidence while conducting a thorough investigation into the zeitgeist of today’s age.
From its surprising beginning to its devastating reflections on the personal, which meticulously dissect the myth of intimacy, this new offering of the post pop imagination reinvents the essay format, adapting it to the era of multimedia. It proposes four methods of reading according to the personality of the reader, and develops extensions of the project, in collaboration with various artists, that will see the light during their dissemination. You wouldn’t want to get excited in any other way…
PAGES | 272 |
SERIES | Argumentos |
PUBLICATION | 31/10/2012 |

Eloy Fernández Porta (Barcelona, 1974) es doctor en Humanidades por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, con Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. Ha publicado once libros de «crítica mutante cuyas ideas se metamorfosean en estilo y forma narrativas» (Christine Henseler). En esta colección han aparecido Afterpop, Homo Sampler, €RO$ (Premio Anagrama de Ensayo), Emociónese así (Premi Ciutat de Barcelona), En la confidencia, Las aventuras de Genitalia y Normativa, Los brotes negros, Medianenas & Milhombres, y en catalán, L’art de fer-ne un gra massa. Pionero en las modalidades expandidas de la teoría, ha trasladado sus textos al spoken word en los grupos Afterpop Fernández & Fernández (con Agustín Fernández Mallo) y Mainstream (con Jose Roselló) y ha realizado el monólogo teatral Granito del Nuevo Mundo. Sus ensayos han sido adaptados al cómic (por Carlos Maiques y Marcos Prior) y a la videocreación (por Carles Congost y Natxo Medina). Ha sido traducido al inglés, francés y portugués.