PAGES | 120 |
SERIES | Argumentos |
PUBLICATION | 14/04/2021 |

The Adventures of Genitalia and Normativity
Las aventuras de Genitalia y Normativa
Eloy Fernández Porta is back with a provocative interpretation of the dynamic between the normative and the transgressive.
Sexy is normie. Normie is sexy. Combining sociology, bio-politics, and satire, this book presents a surprising theory of normal imagination as a cognitive mode that is characteristic of the era of emotional capitalism. Gender, fashion, artistic creation, and vigilance are all analyzed from the perspective of a regulating impulse, a normalization imperative that is constantly renovated that doesn’t come from factual powers anymore, but from citizens themselves. United in a spontaneous popular court, armed with smartphones and egged on by a judicial compulsion, they become the axis of societies of control. And as such, it turns out that the affective styles of constructing subjectivity are traversed by the most distinctive pathology of our times, the name of the globalized game: normopathy for all.
«One of the best (and most entertaining) analysts of contemporary societies…In this new essay, he explores the regimen of normativity that functions in this collective false where ‘Hypersensitive Twitter Warriors’ get agitated in a ‘normative happening’…A slap in the face to the love of social media!» (Christian Salmon).
PAGES | 120 |
SERIES | Argumentos |
PUBLICATION | 14/04/2021 |

Eloy Fernández Porta (Barcelona, 1974) es doctor en Humanidades por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, con Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. Ha publicado once libros de «crítica mutante cuyas ideas se metamorfosean en estilo y forma narrativas» (Christine Henseler). En esta colección han aparecido Afterpop, Homo Sampler, €RO$ (Premio Anagrama de Ensayo), Emociónese así (Premi Ciutat de Barcelona), En la confidencia, Las aventuras de Genitalia y Normativa, Los brotes negros, Medianenas & Milhombres, y en catalán, L’art de fer-ne un gra massa. Pionero en las modalidades expandidas de la teoría, ha trasladado sus textos al spoken word en los grupos Afterpop Fernández & Fernández (con Agustín Fernández Mallo) y Mainstream (con Jose Roselló) y ha realizado el monólogo teatral Granito del Nuevo Mundo. Sus ensayos han sido adaptados al cómic (por Carlos Maiques y Marcos Prior) y a la videocreación (por Carles Congost y Natxo Medina). Ha sido traducido al inglés, francés y portugués.