Una ventana al norte
Una ventana al norte

A Window to the North

Una ventana al norte

Isabel de la Hoz a young, impressionable bourgeois girl from Santander emigrates to a Mexico inflamed by the Cristeras Wars. Wars that, in this book, are a metaphor of the contradictions between emotional and institutional religiousness. The novel tells us a universal and eternal story: the search for reality from the perspective of our innate desire for unreality. The reader will accompany Isabel de la Hoz, absolutly fascinated, as if regarding her from a foggy beach - where imagination transforms reality- to a historical situation where reality is more fantastic than imagination. Everything occurs through a linguistic game, characteristic of Pombo, which makes us live simultaneouly in two planes: the expression itself and what is being expressed. A magnificent novel by one of the best writers of our times.

SERIESNarrativas hispánicas


  • France (Christian Bourgois)
Álvaro Pombo

Álvaro Pombo

Álvaro Pombo was born in Santander in 1939 and curren-tly lives in Madrid. He has a B.A. from the University of Madrid, and a B.A. in Philosophy from Birkbeck College (London). He has been awarded the Herralde Novel Prize (1983) for El héroe de las Mansardas de Mansard, the Critics' Prize (1991) for El metro de platino iridiado, and both, the Ciudad de Barcelona Prize and the National Literature Prize (1997) for Donde las mujeres, for which he was also shortlisted in the Aristeion Prize. With La cuadratura del círculo he was awarded the Fastenrath Prize (2001) by the Royal Academy of Language. El cielo raso was awarded The Lara Fundation Prize (2002), granted by eleven major publishers to the best published novel of the year. Also, in 2002 he was appointed to the Royal Academy of Spanish Language. For Contra natura has been awarded the Ciudad de Barcelona and the Salambó Prizes.


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