PAGES | 131 |
SERIES | Nuevos cuadernos Anagrama |
PUBLICATION | 03/10/2018 |

SERIES:Nuevos cuadernos Anagrama
Three events and a judicial sentence (the #MeToo movement, the letter written by French intellectual women, the feminist march of March 8th and the Manada sentence) have marked the agenda of the last months and have put the spotlight on today’s concept of feminism. Marta Sanz reflects on what it means, how to position oneself in the face of these facts, how to “protect the feminist fight from simplification and commercialization—from a capitalism that can absorb everything. A reflection in the thread of events of a woman who asks herself, in her public and private actions, through each gesture and each word, which is the way to equality.
PAGES | 131 |
SERIES | Nuevos cuadernos Anagrama |
PUBLICATION | 03/10/2018 |

Marta Sanz has a PHD in Spanish Philology. She has published the novels El frío, Lenguas muertas, Los mejores tiempos (Premio Ojo Crítico 2001), Animales domésticos, Susana y los viejos (runner-up for the Nadal Prize in 2006), Lección de anatomía (2008), and in Anagrama, Black, Black, Black, Un buen detective no se casa jamás, Daniela Astor y la caja negra and Farándula (Herralde Novel Prize 2015). She has contributed various short stories to collections and has published El canon de la normalidad, a selection of her own stories. In 2007, she published Metalingüísticos y sentimentales, an anthology of contemporary Spanish poetry and, the same year, she received the Premio Vargas Llosa NH Story Award. She is also the author of the poetry collections Perra mentirosa and Hardcore, both in 2010. She frequently contributes to the Babelia cultural supplement of the El País newspaper.