Pol Guasch

Pol Guasch (Tarragona, 1997) has a Master's Degree in Contemporary Literature, Culture, and Theory from King's College London and is currently researching his doctoral thesis on love and poetics at the Universitat de Barcelona. He has completed the MACBA Independent Studies Program and taught literature and cultural criticism at UB. He is currently part of the cultural production company La Sullivan. He’s a regular contributor to multiple media outlets including RAC1, Cadena SER, and Diari Ara. He’s the author of the poetry collections Tanta grana (2018 Francesc Garriga Prize) and La part del foc (2020 López-Picó Prize) and has participated in international poetry readings from South Africa to Switzerland and Germany. His writing scholarships and residences include the 2020 Beques Premis Ciutat de Barcelona and the Santa Maddalena Foundation. His debut novel Napalm al cor, winner of the 2021 Anagrama Llibres Novel Prize has been translated into ten languages, and has been adapted to theatre and film rights are under option. The English translation is on the New Yorker’s Best Books of the Year list. Guasch has also been awarded 42nd Revelation Award in Catalan for Napalm al cor, and the Eñe Festival Talent Award in Madrid.

Fotografía © Maria Ródenas.

TITLES BY Pol Guasch
Napalm in our Hearts
Napalm in our Hearts
LA 83

English (UK) (Faber)
French (Les Editions La Croisée)
German (Wallstein Verlag)
English (USA) (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
Slovenian (Beletrina Academic Press)
Italian (Fandango)
Portuguese (Laika)
Croatian (Edicije Božičević)
Czech (Euskaldun)
Greek (Keimena Books)


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