PAGES | 192 |
SERIES | Llibres Anagrama |
PUBLICATION | 29/03/2023 |

SERIES:Llibres Anagrama
Alba, the narrator of this story, is part of a generation that tries to find solid ground in a city that is sinking. The generation is that of those who are approaching their thirties and who strive to leave their youth behind in the midst of the of the contradictions that come with having to constantly balance precarious jobs and the innate guilt that comes with being a part of the first world, between emerging feminism and shady relationships, between the need to use your strength to fight the elements and your own self. The city is contemporary Barcelona, which, with its claim to modernity, turns into the definitive antagonist, and where human communication becomes increasingly uncertain and ephemeral.
With a raw, unfiltered voice, the pages in Consum preferent are full of a caustic humor that works as well as satire as it does as a blow, and with a daring linguistic proposal that serves the scathing and self-destructive narration. Andrea Genovart debuts with this novel that acts as an ethical and sentimental mirror for the world to come, with a rage-filled outlook against a society that surpasses us, but, above all, full of an unquestionable desire to press on.
“Consum preferent places the reader in front of the contradictions of an era in which precariousness, the triumph of ignorance, and despair are—in addition to irrefutable evidence—an excuse to tell a story with a forceful and contemporary perspective.” —Sergi Pamies
"Far from generational ingenuity, Genovart’s prose becomes energetic and fierce with the commonplaces and traps of a society of welfare. It also has the rare ability to become memorable: when you close the book, the voice echoes. Then you relive its mocking irony, its uncomplicated tone, the collection of the many resources put to work in an attempt to broaden the limits of Catalan literature.” —Jordi Puntí
PAGES | 192 |
SERIES | Llibres Anagrama |
PUBLICATION | 29/03/2023 |

Andrea Genovart (Barcelona, 1993) has a degree in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature from UB and a master's degree in Cultural Management from Factoría de Arte y Desarrollo in Madrid. She has been a part of the artistic and contemporary creation program at Espositivo (Madrid) and has written scripts for publicity skits. She currently works as a press and communications manager at various publishers. Consum preferent [Preferred Consumption] is her first novel.